Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Don't you love getting back to the grind after vacation?

Let me give you a little bit of a back story before I post up this email I got that jump started my first day back from vacation. 3 weeks ago there was a little mishap with our local Windows update server and Internet Explorer 7 (not on my end and this was explained). Alot of users downloaded the update and it automatically installed IE7 messing up our time card software "TimeKeeper". The minute I realized what happen an email went out to the entire office explaining how to change the link provded on their desktop. Since engineers are notorious for not reading email and this guy especially loves to wield his god-like power over the corporate worker bees here this is the email I got.....

"Evidently the new software installed itself on my computer and I am locked out of Timekeeper.

Rather than me wasting 20 minutes finding your email and fixing the problem, please take 10 minutes Tuesday morning @ 10:30 while I am in a meeting and care of it .


More like rather then me wasting 10 minutes @ 10:30 why didn't you spend 3 minutes to read the email and 2 minutes to move the link to your desktop from that email weeks ago? If you really want to get technical it would take him another minute to search for the email AGAIN by hitting control+F , typing my name, and the word timekeeper. What a douche. Not even an hour "back into the grind" and I am reminded just how awesome it is to be a corporate biatch. He just as easily could have said 'Hay could you help me with the Internet Explorer and TimeKeeper issue you emailed us about while I am at a meeting' like so many other people have done company wide.

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