Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Really random Microsoft worker? I suggest a life in politics post-MS career

Source - EWeek

"I have been here [in Redmond] all day long, and I have seen very few escalations come through from our field. But it is early, so we may see more tomorrow and the next day. But today we have not been flooded with requests for information and guidance or help," M3 Sweatt, the chief of staff for the Windows Core Operating System Development Group, told eWEEK.

But, that being said, Microsoft was already working closely with its enterprise customers to ensure they had what they needed.

"Some of them are happy, some of them are not. But we are working with them as best we can to make sure we are addressing their issues," he said.


Few problems here...

1) The guy is named M3 Sweatt? That sounds like a posting name on some BMW forum, not something you would see on a birth certificate. Let's hope that one is a typo.

2) Maybe no one was escalated to your department because you don't field complaints? The problem wasn't with the patch itself as much as it was the amount of patches and the fact you guys waited less then a month before the DST to release a patch. As if the US government waited until Feb. 10th, 2007 to make the decision. Also, I highly doubt that every user that had this issue was going to call Microsoft. Why bother? They have IT to yell at that kind of stuff for. Or a tech savvy relative. Even if every IT prof in the country called Microsoft it wouldn't be a fraction of the REAL AMOUNT of people mad about this. Personally if I had to call you for every complaint I personally recieved from another user I would have dialed over 175 times on my own. That is just for users on the westcoast I spoke with. Many people echo what was being said by other people in that interview about calendar issues.

3) Or better yet it wasn't escalated to you because IT corporate worker bees like myself figured out that patches were applied but machines did not have 'automatically adjust for daylight savings time' checked? Pretty sure that could be turned on by the patch somewhere for those who did not have it checked.

4) Maybe no one was in the chat because they have given up on Internet Explorer and use Firefox, a browser that Microsoft does not support on any of their sites. Sorry but I rather not use Microsoft web sites then have to close Firefox to launch Internet Explorer 6 or 7.