Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ahh the roaming co-worker in your dept, don't you love em?

For those of you who have a co-worker in your dept (or even a boss) that floats around the office like a lost soul for many many many wasted minutes upon end a game has been created just for you! With the help of a handful of Corporate Worker Bees this system and rule set has been developed.

The title? "Guess How Many Times ______ Goes to the _____ ? " We are allowing you to customize our game to suit your needs

Here is how it works...

At the begging of each morning send an email out to other co-workers or friends who know of FLOATER and ask them to take a guess of how many points they will rack up in one work day. For our game we used the front desk as the main location. Once everyone has guessed find someone that can easily look up to see if they are at said location ( The worker bees in the mail room who bust their ass help me as they have to route mail multiple times per day). That or I just look my self seeing as I am going around the office too.........to help users or go to the bathroom.

Here is the scoring system:

Person at said location (we use the front desk) = 1 pt.
Person at front w/ person they have a office crush on (may not apply to all) = 2pts.
Person at the cubicle of office crush = 4 pts.
Person running to go fetch cold stone, starbucks, or food for office crush = 5 pts.

The person with the closest amount of points becomes the winner and can be given any award you like.

Or if you happen to sit in the path of the person who has an addictive urge to wander instead of work (like myself, my desk has to be passed to get to the rest of the office) you can count the sheer amount of times they get up to socialize. We ran a test run for this game yesterday and the offending party got up 18 times (no joke) to go up to the front desk to socialize.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But how many points are awarded when the person...let's call him Mr. Hetic or Pat...when PatHetic runs (at speeds that would shame the Flash) to Starbucks whenever the office crush...let's call her Wanda...whenever Wanda Takeyerbucks needs a caffeine fix to buy that overpriced venti double mocha latte with steamed half calf, no whip, with peppermint sprinkles and a sprig of mint when Pat NEVER drinks coffee. Of course factor in that Mr. Hetic, avowed non-drinker of Juan Valdez's nectar, also buys himself a cup o' joe. Why? I can only assume it's so he can continue deluding himself that by bringing himself back something he is somehow successfully fooling his coworkers into believing that he does not have a massive crush Wanda and he is not wasting his money on pathetic never gonna get him laid gestures.