Here are some stats in case you are wondering....
Top Time-Wasting Activities
1. Surfing Internet (personal use) 44.7%
2. Socializing with co-workers 23.4%
3. Conducting personal business 6.8%
4. Spacing out 3.9%
5. Running errands off-premises 3.1%
Top Excuses for Time-Wasting
1. Don't have enough work to do 33.2%
2. Underpaid for amount of work I do 23.4%
3. Co-workers distract me 14.7%
4. Not enough evening or weekend time 12.0%
5. Other 16.7%
Top Time-Wasting States
1. Missouri 3.2 hrs/day
2. Indiana 2.8 hrs/day
3. Kentucky 2.8 hrs/day
4. Wisconsin 2.8 hrs/day
5. Nevada 2.7 hrs/day
Top Time-Wasting Industries
1. Insurance 2.5 hrs/day
2. Public Sector (Non-Education) 2.4 hrs/day
3. Research & Development 2.3 hrs/day
4. Education 2.2 hrs/day
5. Software & Internet 2.2 hrs/day
Here are some other interesting facts about time-wasted at work:
- Men vs. Women: Men and women waste about the same amount of time per day (approximately 2.1 hours). This, despite the fact that most HR managers surveyed suspected that women waste more time at work than men.
- Youngsters vs. Seniors: As the following statistics show, the older you are, the less time you waste at work.
Year of Birth
1930-1949 0.50 hrs/day
1950-1959 0.68 hrs/day
1960-1969 1.19 hrs/day
1970-1979 1.61 hrs/day
1980-1985 1.95 hrs/day
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